Manual process meant high workload and risk of errors and inconsistencies

TAM-Arkiv offers archival services to public and private organizations. The organization manages large amounts of documents that need to comply with various laws and regulations on preservation and deletion. To facilitate and ensure that document management is done correctly and efficiently, TAM-Arkiv has chosen to use MetaShare Orbit, a solution that automates the deletion and archiving process. TAM-Arkiv previously had a manual and time-consuming process for sorting and archiving documents. They had a document management plan that described which documents should be preserved or deleted and when, based on various criteria such as document type and process. The paper-based document management plan required staff to check it regularly and manually move or delete documents that met the deletion or archiving criteria. This resulted in a heavy workload and a high risk of errors and inconsistencies

Automatic deletion saves time and resources and ensures proper compliance

TAM-Arkiv chose to digitize its document management plan and implement MetaShare Orbit, a solution that automates the deletion and archiving process based on labels. MetaShare Orbit is a cloud-based solution that integrates with Microsoft 365 and SharePoint. It makes it possible to define rules for when documents should be deleted or archived, based on unique combinations of labels that documents are tagged with. The labels indicate the type of document and the process to which it belongs. For example, a document may have the labels “Invoice” and “Finance” and a rule stating that such documents should be archived after three years or deleted after seven years.

TAM-Arkiv has put about 100 rules in a list in MetaShare Orbit and configured the solution to run the rules daily, around midnight. The rules can be in different statuses: draft, published or unpublished. Only published rules are executed by the solution. When a rule is executed, it moves or deletes the documents that meet the criteria and logs the activity with a reference to the rule that triggered it. This way, TAM-Archive can easily track and review which documents have been deleted or archived and why.

By using MetaShare Orbit, TAM-Arkiv has been able to streamline and secure their document management. They have reduced manual effort and the risk of errors and inconsistencies. They have also increased their compliance with laws and regulations on document retention and deletion. In addition, they have freed up space and resources by disposing of documents that are no longer needed. TAM-Arkiv is very satisfied with MetaShare Orbit and recommends the solution to other organizations that want to automate their deletion and archiving process.


Folder structure made it difficult to navigate

The technology company Unjo is a world leader in customized motor controls and motor control systems, which means handling many documents. During a period of growth, it became clear that the folder structure on the server had outlived its usefulness, and the search began for a pure document management system that made it easy to find and work with the right documents. The choice fell on MetShare.

Quick, easy and logical access to steering documents

The implementation of MetaShare has resulted in high quality management of Unjo’s steering documents. The ability to tag and filter documents creates order and knowledge that all employees use the company’s templates, policies and other steering documents in the same way. The next step will be to review how MetaShare simplifies the company’s extensive documentation related to product development.


Needed a smarter management system

ELU is Sweden’s leading designers in construction, civil engineering, geotechnical engineering and hydraulic engineering.

Some time ago, ELU implemented the process tool 2c8 Apps and the document management solution MetaShare to streamline the work with the company’s steering documents. A combination of two user-friendly interfaces that visualize business processes and relate steering documents to the right process.

The interaction between MetaShare and 2c8 Apps will be very powerful!

The smart management system has had positive effects at ELU in terms of both productivity and job satisfaction as everyone in the organization now understands what the company’s processes look like and how they are connected. The use of MetaShare ensures that employees have easy and logical access to the policy documents and that everyone handles the documents in a uniform way.

Rabbalshede Kraft

Rabbalshede Kraft

A lot of time was spent searching

The energy company Rabbalshede Kraft works to shape and drive the development of future energy solutions. As for many others, the challenges of finding the right documents grew as the number of files in the complex folder structure increased. Staff spent a lot of time searching through the documents and often there were countless versions of the same file.

Liberating when it became easy to find

When Rabbalshede Kraft realised that there was a solution to avoid everyday challenges such as navigating folders and being sure to work in the right documents, it was a liberating feeling. The short time it takes to tag documents with metadata pays off many times over, and today employees have gone from eight clicks to a few to find the document they are looking for.


We thought there must be smarter ways than folders

HSB is Sweden’s leading member-owned housing operator for housing savings, financing, construction and management with regional associations across the country. HSB Södertörn had long seen challenges with an ever-growing folder structure on the file server. If a folder was accidentally moved and was difficult to find, the same folder was recreated and ultimately the structure was unsustainable from both a security and efficiency perspective. Instead of cleaning and rebuilding the folder structure from scratch, HSB Södertörn realized that there had to be a smarter way to manage documents than saving them in folders.

“MetaShare has been just as good as it seemed”

After being introduced to MetaShare during a webinar, HSB Södertörn realized that they were getting closer to a solution. Tagging documents with metadata certainly involved a whole new way of thinking, but after a break-in period with MetaShare, even the biggest skeptics were positive. Today, documents are found quickly and easily and for many of the employees it is unthinkable to go back to working in a folder structure.


Old file server was going away

Listed Heba owns, develops and manages housing and community properties in the Stockholm region and Mälardalen. With scattered geographical locations and tasks that are not always performed at the computer, there was a great need to access documents from any device. Heba wanted to find a solution away from the server and manage documents in a completely new way in Office 365. That’s when MetaShare came into the picture.

Like going from night to day

Efter att dokumenthanteringsexperterna på Ways visat MetaShare för Heba gick det fort. Med inspiration av hur företag med liknande behov gjort med filtrering och val av metadata införde Heba en ny struktur och arbetssätt. Alla medarbetare lärde sig att märka företagets dokument på ett enhetligt sätt. Därefter såg MetaShare till att alla hittar och arbetar i rätt dokument. För Heba har kombinationen tillgänglighet och ordning bland dokumenten varit som att gå från natt till dag.


One document was in the mailbox, another on the server, a third in Teams

Fastighetssnabben manages industrial and commercial properties all over Sweden. At the company, there were as many ways to save documents as there were employees. Not unexpectedly, this created a jumble of documents and lots of duplicates that made it impossible to find the correct version. A tip from IT operating partner Nordlo made Fastighetssnabben realize that there was a solution to the problem – MetaShare.

After a short break-in period, everyone worked in a uniform way

After a design exercise with Ways, Fastighetssnabben found a flexible structure where documents are filtered by department and tagged with metadata that allows everyone to find them. After a break-in period where everyone learned to work with filters and metadata in a uniform way, Fastighetssnabben never needs to browse among the files. With MetaShare, the correct version is always a click away. And the support has barely been needed to be used, everything has worked smoothly from the start.


The lack of structure made it difficult to collaborate

Castellum, with one of the largest commercial real estate portfolios in the Nordic region, saw challenges with a growing clutter among its documents. A lack of structure where files were stored on different internal workspaces hampered smooth work without the possibility of versioning and co-editing.

MetaShare enables user-friendly document management

Castellum needed a solution that made it possible to manage various types of documents with a common structure. It turned out that MetaShare with SharePoint as a base matched Castellum’s needs best. After a smooth onboarding, Castellum today has a simple and user-friendly solution for document management.

International IDEA

Smart document management for global operations

International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA), with the task of spreading knowledge about, for example, election issues, civic participation and democracy development, consists of 34 member countries.

With offices around the world and fragmented file management, International IDEA had difficulty finding the right documents, problems with inflexible workspaces and ensuring proper data management.

Therefore, International IDEA was looking for a partner with the expertise to develop a central collaboration tool with the ability to connect scattered archives, ensure a secure source of information (single source of truth) and a flexible way of working.

Friction-free work with the help of MetaShare

That the choice fell on MetaShare was mainly due to its multidimensional filtering capabilities and intuitive interface that make it possible to search, find and work in documents no matter where they are stored. In addition, MetaShare made it possible to create and manage existing workspaces without involving the support department.

Ways developed a customized configuration of MetaShare and a deployment management and deployment plan. After a smooth migration of IDEA’s documents, the organization was able to quickly get started with the next generation document management system – MetaShare.

Afa fastigheter

The file server grew uninhibited

At Afa Fastigheter, one of Sweden’s larger property owners, the existing file-sharing solution had begun to generate clutter with many duplicates and documents stored in different locations. In addition, many employees saved files on their private desktops. Afa Fastigheter needed to find a pure document management solution that also lived up to the company’s high security requirements.

Nice with clear structure and correct permissions

With order and safety in mind, the requirements profile was tested against several solutions where MetaShare won on user-friendliness and simplicity. Today, Afa Fastigheter uses MetaShare adapted to the needs of different departments. Results? Correct authorization, no duplicates, very good version control and a solution that makes it easy to search for documents.

The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA)

Seeking a solution immune to organizational change

When The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA) sought a modern solution for document management, the requirement was that the solution should be compatible with Microsoft 365. The goal was to supplement the strength of existing metadata-based document management with a simpler way of working. And that the solution held for organizational change over time.

Ways did a good analysis and was close at hand

The choice of MetaShare as an additional service to O365 became easy as Ways showed a good understanding of the need. The implementation of MetaShare went quickly, the employees started immediately after the training. The solution works well together with other tools such as Teams.


The departments sought a clearer structure

At the fast-growing IT company Inrego, there was a need to handle large amounts of information within the framework of the management system. Not least based on different contexts. For example, sales staff want to find marketing materials in “their department folder”, while marketing staff wanted to handle these in their locations.

Flexible at both departmental and organizational level

MetaShare, accompanied by an interactive process map (2C8) from which all documents can be accessed, proved to be an excellent solution. Each department can see “its documents” in the same view while the same documents can also be seen in the view of other departments.

Sveriges Ingenjörer (The Swedish Association of Graduate Engineers)

Needed to ensure archiving and preservation

Sveriges Ingenjörer (The Swedish Association of Graduate Engineers) was looking for a document management solution to ensure correct archiving in accordance with the document management plan. The goal was to shut down the file server and find a solution based on metadata.

Today the material is centrally manageable

The document management in MetaShare has meant that the digital material is collected in a central, manageable data storage, which makes the work considerably easier. The common way of sharing documents has become clear to the business, which entails efficient document management.

Finansförbundet (The Finance Union)

Could not trust that it was the right document

In an evaluation, Finansförbundet (Finance Union), the largest Swedish trade union in banking and finance, stated that the organization struggled to find documents and know which document was the most recent. A challenge that was diluted by the many emails with external files that added further clutter.

Short start-up time and much cheaper than building your own

After a comparison of different document management systems, Finansförbundet fell för Ways’ ability to understand the need in depth. MetaShare ensures that employees do not have to go through thousands of folders and that deletion and archiving happens withiut much user-involvement. In addition, it is easy to keep track of GDPR-classified documents. All at a much lower cost than developing your own system.


Dependence on intellectual capital

As an expert authority, PTS (the Swedish Post and Telecom Agency) is dependent on its intellectual capital. The primary purpose of the implementation of a document management system was to create order, promote knowledge recovery and reduce personal dependence. And to make it easy for employees to create documents, collaborate, edit and manage versioning.

From “my documents” to “our documents”

The choice of MetaShare was made on the basis of a combination of price and function and that MetaShare worked well with the existing IT-infrastructure. MetaShare has simplified and streamlined the work and contributed to increased transparency where the approach has gone from “my documents” to “our documents”.