The search-box has been moved from the workspaces’ top left-hand corner to the workspaces’ filters section, above the document list. From here users can now search on free-text phrases that will narrow down the number of documents in the document list to just show documents that have the searched phrase as free-text inside the documents or as document metadata. The free-text phrase search will be added as a filter on top of the document view and it can also be combined with other tag filters, such as document type, file-type, etc.
MetaShare now supports managed metadata columns that are configured to allow “Fill-in” choices, permitting users to add values to these open term sets.
In Microsoft Edge, we have now removed an extra line space between the checkbox for selecting all documents and the actual document list.
If a workspace’s name has special characters such as å, ä and ö, the workspace name is now displayed correctly in the browser’s tab title.
Hidden columns are not any more shown in the document’s property form.
Documents with special characters such as å, ä and ö, can now be opened in Office applications from Firefox on Mac.