How to sort documents

  1. By default, documents are always sorted by modified date, descending order, so the latest modified documents will be shown on the top of the page.
  2. To change the documents’ sort order do the following:
    1. Click on any of the documents’ sortable column headers or click on the sort-menu, on the top right corner of the page, where you will see which columns are sortable and can select which column to sort on and in which direction you want to sort (ascending or descending):
      Sort documents
    2. The documents will then be sorted by the column.
    3. An arrow will be presented, to the left of the column, showing the sort order, in this case ascending.
      ascending sort order
      To change the sort order, just click on the column header again. The direction of the arrow will then also change:
      descending sort order


  1. Any conducted sorting will be added to the URL of the page, so after having conducted a sorting, maybe combined with a filtering, you can bookmark the page or easily share this sorting/filtering with others by sharing it to an e-mail or to a page on an intranet.
  2. Sorting is not possible in these situations:
    • If you have managed metadata columns, choice columns and people columns that are configured to allow multiple values
    • If you have applied a free-text search
    • If your workspaces has more than 5 000 documents (SharePoint’s list view threshold), and the columns have not been indexed (see these instructions on how to index columns: How do I index columns in workspaces with more than 5 000 documents?)
    • If your workspaces has more than 5 000 documents and they are filtered by Folder (in this case the documents will always be sorted by Folder and then File name)