16 May 2024

Open in app for all file types, various fixes and improvements.

  1. Open in app action for all file types
    • Until now, many file types could only be opened in a browser preview or be downloaded. Starting from today, users can choose to open files of any type either in a browser or an app, similar to previously existing action for Office files.
    • MetaShare will remember the users’ preferences for each file type separately.
    • For now, this change only applies to MetaShare Online, not MetaShare Server.
  2. New function for opening workspaces on the Workspaces tab in MetaShare’s start page.
  3. Fix for an issue with downloading files in MetaShare’s Teams App.
  4. Fix for an issue with moving published documents, using the cut and paste actions between folders in the same workspace.
  5. Support for “&” character in file and folder names.
  6. Support for Microsoft’s new cloud.microsoft domain, a domain that is specifically dedicated to Microsoft cloud products and designed to provide a single and unified home for Microsoft 365 apps and services.